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New posts in python-decorators

Detect if method is decorated before invoking it

Using decorator inside a function

python python-decorators

Is there a way to directly "decorate" a block of Python code?

python python-decorators

Why does inspect return different line for class inheriting from superclass?

Python timeout decorator

Wraps gives TypeError when used in a decorator

what is the use and when to use @classmethod in python?

singledispatchmethod and class method decorators in python 3.8

Pickle and decorated classes (PicklingError: not the same object)

Nesting descriptors/decorators in python

How to wrap (monkey patch) @classmethod

decorating a function that yields

Should this method be a classmethod and why can't it access vars?

Accessing self in a function attribute

python python-decorators

What is the equivalent of decorators with arguments without the syntactical-sugar?

python python-decorators

Python decorating class

python python-decorators

Using Loops to decorate multiple imported functions in Python

How to make new decorators available within a class without explicitly importing them?

Python passing self to the decorator

daisy-chaining Python/Django custom decorators