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New posts in python-decorators

Strange behaviour when mixing abstractmethod, classmethod and property decorators

Python custom decorator not working with Celery tasks [duplicate]

Is there a way to persist decorators during inheritance?

Pass self to decorator object

Python: How to ignore decorators during unit (nose) tests?

Error "'str' object is not callable" when using property setter

python python-decorators

How to configure a decorator in Python

python python-decorators

How do I make a dummy do-nothing @jit decorator?

Python Import Module from Decorator

Python decorator to time recursive functions

Google Style Guide properties for getters and setters

How to annotate a member as abstract in Sphinx documentation?

Is there a way to access a function's attributes/parameters within a ContextDecorator?

How to use doctest with a decorated function in python?

Python decorate methods with variable number of positional args and optional arg

Pythonic way of converting parameters to the same standard within all methods of a class

Using decorator from base class both in base class and derived class

Python transforming ast through function decorators

Self-referencing inside class definition

Python unites - gathering multiple @patch decorators within another decorator