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New posts in python-2.x

Python3 has no acces to python2 modules (ubuntu)

Cython not much faster than Python for Basic Sum Calculation

Why does an import not always import nested packages?

Python: Correct Way to refer to index of unicode string

python unicode python-2.x

Scraping Google images with Python

Lambda functions unequal behaviors in Python 3 and Python 2

Python: Convert tuple to comma separated String

Python's hasattr sometimes returns incorrect results

Should I use "self" to define variables / objects of class instanced which I will not need to reach from the outside?

Python3 adds extra byte when printing hex values

Default encoding of exception messages

Why is int(50)<str(5) in python 2.x?

Printing not being logged by Kubernetes

Python combination generation

Integer division in Python

Python - get slice index

porting Python 2 program to Python 3, random line generator

__cmp__ method is this not working as expected in Python 2.x?

python python-2.x cmp

Basic python arithmetic - division

python math python-2.x

Extract first 3 words from string