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New posts in pytest-django

force Django tests to write models into database

pytest-django won't allow database access even with mark

django pytest pytest-django

Pytest and Django settings runtime changes

How to deactivate django plugin for some tests?

pytest pytest-django

django-pytest setup_method database issue

VS Code not finding pytest tests

Django connections object does not see the tables of a second database during testing with pytest-django

django pytest pytest-django

Installed pytest but running `pytest` in bash returns `not found`

How to test file upload in Django rest framework using PUT?

PATCH and PUT don't work as expected when pytest is interacting with REST framework

Failed: Database access not allowed, use the "django_db" mark, or the "db" or "transactional_db" fixtures to enable it

"Apps aren't loaded yet" when trying to run pytest-django

How to test a Django model with pytest?

How to assert django uses certain template in pytest

pytest ScopeMismatch error: how to use fixtures properly

python pytest pytest-django

pytest and Failed: Database access not allowed, use the "django_db" mark, or the "db" or "transactional_db" fixtures to enable it

Why does pytest-xdist make my tests run slower, not faster?

pytest pytest-django

How to show warnings in py.test

Disable autouse fixtures on specific pytest marks

python pytest pytest-django