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How to return the last primary key after INSERT in pymysql (python3.5)?

python mysql pymysql

Use Python list in SQL query for column names

PyMySQL with Django, Multithreaded application

is PyMySQL well supported? and is it slower than than MySQLdb?

python mysql-python pymysql

mysql Access denied for user root@localhost (using password: NO) despite having set a password and entered it in connection uri

How do PyMySQL prevent user from sql injection attack?

TypeError: _init_() takes 1 positional argument but 5 were given

python pymysql

How to copy a database with mysqldump and mysql in Python?

Finding source of PyMySQL error - err.InterfaceError("(0, '')")

Impossible to insert data with PyMySQL when I use parameter

Proper way to use PyMySql in a memory efficient generator

Installing PyMySQL on a Windows 7 machine

Why do JSON queries return object if there is one element, list if more than one?

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django 1.5 + pymysql error: ImportError: cannot import name Thing2Literal

Python pymysql - iterate through mysql table key and value

python mysql pymysql

sqlalchemy insert - string argument without an encoding

Inserting a list holding multiple values in MySQL using pymysql

python mysql pymysql

PyMySQL executemany with ON DUPLICATE

python mysql insert pymysql