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Word Jumble Algorithm

language-agnostic puzzle

Anagram algorithm with minimum complexity

Rounding issues with allocating dollar amounts across multiple people

c# .net puzzle rounding

Interview puzzle: array size-n contains numbers from [i, i + n)

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Unique methods to generate sudoku puzzle [duplicate]

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Why swap with xor works fine in c++ but in java doesn't ? some puzzle [duplicate]

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Help me finish this Python 3.x self-challenge

How do you answer questions in interviews for which you think, they are senseless? [closed]


Finding Frequency of numbers in a given group of numbers

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C/C++ Puzzle: To print values from 1..15 15..1 with a single for loop [closed]

c++ c puzzle

Does a binary tree contain another tree?

java regex binary-tree puzzle

Rectangular region in an array

algorithm puzzle

How to compute palindrome from a stream of characters in sub-linear space/time?

A Dynamic programming problem

How do I make a puzzle app in droid without running out of memory?

ARM assembly puzzle

Interesting SQL puzzle

sql sql-server puzzle

C Puzzle - play with types

c types scope declaration puzzle

How to print all possible balanced parentheses for an expression?

algorithm puzzle catalan

Find the smallest set of overlapping jobs

algorithm puzzle