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Word Jumble Algorithm

Given a word jumble (i.e. ofbaor), what would be an approach to unscramble the letters to create a real word (i.e. foobar)? I could see this having a couple of approaches, and I think I know how I'd do it in .NET, but I curious to see what some other solutions look like (always happy to see if my solution is optimal or not).

This isn't homework or anything like that, I just saw a word jumble in the local comics section of the paper (yes, good ol' fashioned newsprint), and the engineer in me started thinking.

edit: please post some pseudo code or real code if you can; it's always nice to try and expand language knowledge by seeing examples like this.

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CodeMonkey1313 Avatar asked Apr 27 '10 14:04


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1 Answers

Have a dictionary that's keyed by the letters of each word in sorted order. Then take you jumble an sort the letters - look up all the words in the dictionary by that sorted-letter string.

So, as an example, the words 'bear' and 'bare' would be in the dictionary as follows:

key    word
-----  ------
aber    bear
aber    bare

And if you're given the jumble, 'earb', you'd sort the letters to 'aber' and be able to look up both possible words in the dictionary.

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Michael Burr Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Michael Burr