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New posts in purely-functional

How lazy evaluation forced Haskell to be pure

F# PurelyFunctionalDataStructures WeightBiasedLeftistHeap ex 3.4

In pure functional languages, is data (strings, ints, floats.. ) also just functions?

How to check if a function is pure in Python?

Scala fold right and fold left

How to implement "return early" logic in F#

Side effects in Scala

Scala String Equality Question from Programming Interview

A way to avoid a common use of unsafePerformIO

Purely functional concurrent skip list

Clojure: working with a java.util.HashMap in an idiomatic Clojure fashion

Are side effects everything that cannot be found in a pure function?

Can a `ST`-like monad be executed purely (without the `ST` library)?

Efficient heaps in purely functional languages

Why are "pure" functions called "pure"? [closed]

Is having a `(a -> b) -> b` equivalent to having an `a`?

Why is catching an exception non-pure, but throwing an exception is pure?

Learning Haskell with a view to learning Scala

Why don't purely functional languages use reference counting?

What is the benefit of purely functional data structure?