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Local SSL with Ruby / Puma

ruby ssl https sinatra puma

Heroku memory issues using puma

memory heroku puma

Is it normal for Rails application to keep so many idle Puma and Postgres connections?

(Heroku + Sidekiq) Is my understanding of how Connection Pooling works correct?

SSE / EventSource closes after first chunk of data (Rails 4 + Puma + Nginx)

Production log is blank?

Rails app running on puma and nginx keeps dying every few hours with Bad Gateway

ruby-on-rails nginx puma

Best way to correctly set the number of workers and threads in a Rails application using Puma?

Puma without nginx - multiple ruby applications on the same IP:PORT

ruby api nginx rack puma

What does Early termination of worker puma log mean and why is it happening?

Error deploying rails app on puma in Heroku

Symbol lookup error since upgrading to Ruby 2.2.0

ruby postgresql puma

nginx error: (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream)

Rails/Nginx/Capistrano/Puma: (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream