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New posts in pull-request

How do I merge a pull request into a feature branch of my github project?

git github pull-request

Git syntax for pull request on the command line

Block merge on BitBucket until Jenkins task is completed

Rebase a GitHub pull request on top of my newer local commits

git github rebase pull-request

Neat, clean compacted git PR and merge commit, into one commit

git github commit pull-request

Is there a way to turn a pull request back into a draft pull request?

git github pull-request

Preserve pull requests when moving repository between Azure DevOps projects

How to tell if a pull request has given the maintainer the ability to edit the pull request?

git github pull-request

How should I correct a pull request?

git github pull-request

How to create pull request from command line?

Why does GitHub API return an unknown mergeable_state in a pull request?

github-api pull-request

How to create a git pull request on a public github repository

git github pull-request

Git: "This branch is behind" after pull request

Close GitLab CE Merge Requests From Commit Message

Pull Requests for orphan branch

git github pull-request orphan