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Email alerts for comments on a pull request in Visual Studio Online [duplicate]

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how to create pull request if jenkins job running on feature branch is successful

git jenkins pull-request

GitHub: How to create pull request from forked repository to upstream repo only including some past commits

github pull requests: Conflicting advice on commit ranges?

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How can I find how many of my GitHub pull requests have been accepted?

GitLab: prevent users from accepting their own merge request

gitlab pull-request

Git pull request says "This branch has conflicts that must be resolved" [duplicate]

git github pull-request

Git pull requests involving subbranch of branch

Is it possible to get all the pull requests made by a user on different repos using some API?

Github API: Get pull request for specific release tag

Merge a branch from another branch in master

git pull-request

How GitHub forms a pull request

Why is the Approve button disabled in GitHub "pull request review"?

git github pull-request

What happens if you force push to a branch with an existing pull request?

git github pull-request