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New posts in protractor

Protractor get all select box (option) values

Protractor: 'wait' doesn't work with "element.all"

Protractor : get element which has not a specific class

protractor angularjs-e2e

Protractor, when should I use then() after a click()

How to not forget to turn the Protractor to Angular sync on again?

count() vs length in Protractor

get element attribute value in Protractor

Protractor: ng e2e: How to solve the "Error: connect ETIMEDOUT" error?

How can I set up common functions that are available for my test suites with Protractor / Selenium?

Tags Protractor + Jasmine to run set of suites

Protractor @types throwing a lot of errors

Get HTTP requests (performance logs) from chromedriver with protractor

Can I access the document or window objects from within a protractor test?

How to wait for when an element is removed from DOM?

dom element wait protractor

Use npm protractor webdriver-manager to start selenium server at a different port

eventEmitter listeners and emitters with different parameters

Getting error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}

multiCapabilities and jasmine focused tests