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New posts in protobuf-net

Google protobuf 3: deprecated a field, but cannot remove the dependencies?

For which scenarios is protobuf-net not appropriate?

c# protobuf-net

protobuf-net: Possible recursion detected

Protobuf-net serialization on sockets. No parameterless constructor found ProtoException

Why does my protobuf-net stream not work?

Strange error with Keras and Spyder

How to use protobuf-net extensions?

c# protobuf-net

Protocol buffers, getting C# to talk to C++ : type issues and schema issues

Protobuf-net fails to serialize property with only getter - Cannot apply changes to property

Mass filtering with protobuf-net

c# .net protobuf-net

protobuf-net's [ProtoInclude(1, "MyClass")] did not work

c# protobuf-net

protobuf-net fails deserializing my class

c# protobuf-net

C# protobuf-net - default value overwrites value from protobuf data

c# protobuf-net

Problem deserializing data with protobuf-net that was serialzed by google's protobuf

Preserving proto comments when generating C# with protobuf-net

Invalid binary character when transmitting ProtoBuf-net messages over AWS SQS

How to implement VARIANT in Protobuf

protobuf-net implicit contracts

How to return stream from WCF service?

.net wcf stream protobuf-net

Deserialize list of objects using protobuf