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Swift4 Error Cannot convert value of type '(_) -> Void' to expected argument type '(_) -> _'

swift swift4 promisekit

Objc PromiseKit: Add new promises from within a promise

How to fulfill nil promise swift

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Convert from one promise type to another

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How to wait on multiple PromiseKit promises which have a different payload?

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What does it mean in Swift: 'case .success(let dict):'

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Unit Test function that uses PromiseKit

What happens to a promise that's abandoned?

Swift PromiseKit: Equivalent to when() which executes sequentially?

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Swift & PromiseKit: Resolving ALL promises from a loop

Swift 3.0: Unable to infer closure type in the current context ,PromiseKit

ios swift swift3 promisekit

PromiseKit 6.13.1 cannot conform to 'Thenable' when I try to use Promise<String> functions

How to use swift-4 Promises then, done, catch and other blocks

ios swift swift4 promisekit

error: cannot convert value of type '() -> ()' to closure result type 'String' using Swift + PromiseKit

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Can't return a promise chain with a catch block on the end

swift promisekit

Returning void in PromiseKit 6

ios swift promise promisekit

Using PromiseKit to force sequential download

PromiseKit cancel a promise

ios swift promisekit

PromiseKit with Swift: terminate chain of promises

swift promisekit

Should I use [weak self] in PromiseKit blocks?