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New posts in program-entry-point

What's wrong with int main()?

How to fix "R.menu.main" in java when first developing an android app?

C++: accessing private fields and function from main

Spring: Run multiple "SpringApplication.Run()" in application main method

Initialize/set char *argv[] inside main() in one line

Should I declare a variable inside or outside the main function?

Why does my C++ compiler allow recursive calls to main? [duplicate]

c++ program-entry-point

Haskell... parse error on module

Are there advantages of declaring functions before, after or inside main()?

What is the need for C startup routine?

main() arguments in java

java program-entry-point

How does the main method work?

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

C++ - Restarting a game by calling the main() function

c++ program-entry-point

calling main method inside main in java

Java Beginner question about String[] args in the main method

java program-entry-point

The best way to keep the main method running

java program-entry-point

Why doesn't my jar file launch on double click?

java program-entry-point

Is it OK to call pthread_exit from main?