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New posts in private-methods

Category accessing private methods of main class - Objective C

Getting “private method” in a “public function” class using CoffeeScript

Javascript OOP - private/public methods [duplicate]

How to create private methods that can be redefined in subclasses in Dart?

Rails testing controller private method with params

PHP class private property and method

How to call a private method that exists inside a private inner class

How to use a private method in Java

Can one access private member functions through casting to layout-compatible types?

How to define private methods in a JS Class

How can I set the JavaScript object name that gets returned in a console.log?

mocks - how to verify private method was called

Blocks vs private methods?

Why can't I access private class methods in the class's companion object in Scala?

oop scala private-methods

Private methods in a Category, using an anonymous category

C++ Private Functions: Whether to pass class member variable by function parameter, or not

Private interface methods are supported

Python double underscore mangling

Ruby module_function, invoking module's private method, invoked in class method style on module shows error

ruby module private-methods