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New posts in prettier

Prettier + eslint line breaks

Prettier auto "correct" regex escaping forward slash `\` [duplicate]

regex prettier

alphabetically sort TypeScript interface keys

How to base .prettierignore file on .gitignore

javascript git prettier

How do I turn off this Eslint error "Expected new line break before and after html tags"?

eslint prettier

Problem formatting python when using Prettier in vscode

Prevent prettier-standard from removing semicolons in Typescript interfaces

Yarn script produces different output than running command directly

Configure Prettier Whitespaces in React Typescript

Checking multiple files at one using prettier


Prettier: Add space between function and parenthesis


Prettier formats in multiline for arrays and long line in VSCode

Getting an error 'No files matching the pattern were found' when using prettier

ESLint / Prettier -- enforce max-len / printWidth, but don't require it?

How to avoid VsCode Prettier to break chain functions in new lines.?

Unable to set tab width to 4 in prettier