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How to use the StreamReader class in Powershell to find and count number of characters contained in a file?


Replacing `,\r\n` in PowerShell

powershell powershell-5.0

Passing json text as command line argument

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Unable to return an object from one function and pass it to another


How to `select` to an array of strings


How do I get verbose messages to appear in the output of Start-Transcript?


PowerShell - User Must Change Password at Next Logon

Wildcard Search in -Filter

powershell filter

How to remotely update azure webapp firewall with local IP via powershell or C#

Azure ARM deployment, passing dynamic variables from powershell

Compress-Archive Error: Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process


Set SQL Server 'Maximum server memory in (MB)' using Powershell

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Why does Powershell's Format-List * not output all properties


Does PowerShell support negation syntax in glob pattern?

powershell glob

How does begin/process/end save the need for foreach? Still needed for the parameter isn't it?


How can I see which options are available in a RegexOptions enum?

regex powershell enums

Get "ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException" when executing python script in Powershell

python powershell

How to authenticate to Azure REST API using username and password (no App Id)

Multiple csv files into a xlsx file but different sheets using powershell

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Write-progress during Start-process -Wait
