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Basic authentication with the GitHub Api using PowerShell

Can PowerShell generate a plain Excel file with multiple sheets?

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Replacing new line with space with powershell

PowerShell -match vs -like

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How do I get the public key from a PFX certificate using Powershell?

Why are "Here Strings" called "Here Strings"?

Powershell - Create a folder from a file name, then place that file in the folder

PowerShell How to Add to JSON Array

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How do I revert a directory change in a PowerShell script when an uncaught exception is thrown?


How to convert a hash string to byte array in PowerShell?

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Error retrieving registry value with Powershell

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Renaming files to remove periods in Powershell

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Powershell - Insert node between two others


How to list all the services running with a service account in a server using Powershell


Renaming files in powershell using the folder name

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Dot-sourcing a script without executing it


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Mapped network drive via New-PSDrive disappears after exiting powershell script

Powershell add-member. Add a member that's an ArrayList?

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Find items which are in array1 but NOT in array2

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