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New posts in postgresql-9.4

Postgresql: how to convert a key value table into json without using an intermediate hstore

postgres functions and transactions with BEGIN

why Postgres prefer seq scan to partial index with explicit where condition?

Postgres 9.4 hangs during refreshing materialized view

Postgres Match All array values to same column with and condition ---updated

How can I merge records inside two JSON arrays?

Correct syntax for array of composite type

Postgres Function to insert multiple records in two tables

How to use unique constraint for json type in postgresql

What causes ActiveRecord breaking Postgres connection after forking?

Postgres query running very slow

Aggregation on fixed size JSONB array in PostgreSQL

postgreSQL explain analyse a function

postgresql is SELECT FOR UPDATE over multiple rows atomic?

postgresql postgresql-9.4

PostgreSQL update JSONB column with value from another column

array_agg with distinct works in postgres 9.4 but not in postgres 9.6