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New posts in polymer-3.x

Typescript support for polymer v3

Is it possible to split a Polymer 3 component into separated JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files?

Polymer 3 - Is there a way to extract the html template into a separate html file?

Import Polymer 2 components in Polymer 3

Polymer 3.0 Uncaught DOM Exception When using Paper-Input

polymer polymer-3.x

How to use Font Awesome with Polymer LitElement

How to import non-module(!) JavaScript into Polymer 3.0

How to add mixin for height in mwc textfield?

Import template from separate html file in polymer 3

Polymer component template minification

Correct way to use Polymer 2 elements in Polymer 3 element?

Import external stylesheets in polymer 3

polymer polymer-3.x

How to Detect the device level Notification ON or OFF using javascript for PWA Application?

Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../"

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': this name has already been used with this registry