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New posts in polling

I can't understand polling/select in python

Is it better to poll or wait?

What is the difference between busy-wait and polling?

Why are touch events destroying my Android framerate?

Polling request for updating Backbone Models/Views

Is there a way for force polling using WatchService?

java nio polling

How to reset timeout in Javascript/jQuery?

ElasticSearch updates are not immediate, how do you wait for ElasticSearch to finish updating it's index?

What is wrong with polling?

c# .net asp.net polling

What is a RESTful way of monitoring a REST resource for changes?

rest long-polling polling

Socket connections and Polling. Which is a better solution in terms of battery life?

What's the difference between polling and pulling?

terminology polling

How to wait for a WebSocket's readyState to change

jQuery AJAX polling for JSON response, handling based on AJAX result or JSON content

Using setInterval() to do simplistic continuous polling

Polling API every x seconds with react

javascript reactjs polling

jQuery, simple polling example

jquery polling

Detect If Browser Tab Has Focus

How does push notification technology work on Android?