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PLSQL, SQL*PLUS get current username?

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Call pl/sql function in java?

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Algorithm or SQL : to find where conditions for a set of columns which ensures result set has value in a particular column always > 0

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Oracle SQL or PL/SQL: How to identify candlestick pattern only in end of uptrend or downtrend and set a flag in column?

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How to (unit-)test data intensive PL/SQL application

Oracle ORA-02089 with Java

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What is the correct way of checking if varchar2 is empty?

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Shift operators in PL/SQL

Select from PLSQL Associative array?


Session based global variable in Postgresql stored procedure?

How to inline a variable in PL/SQL?

Assign a Select to a variable in a stored procedure

Is it OK to nest database views?

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What is the syntax to define an Oracle procedure within an another stored procedure?

how to print out the whole table using anonymous block in pl sql?

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How to print string using pl/sql without appending the new line character at end

Cursor for loop in Oracle

String formatting in Oracle (PL/)SQL

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Oracle SQL vs Oracle PL/SQL [closed]

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ORA-22275 error: invalid LOB locator specified

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