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Making emacs to highlight postgresql syntax by default

emacs plpgsql postgresql

Unnest array by one level

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Raising error in postgreSQL

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How to use "RAISE INFO, RAISE LOG, RAISE DEBUG” to track log in PostgreSQL function?

Create Alias for PostgreSQL Table

Deadlock detected in PL/pgSQL function

Rename column names in postgresql database

postgresql plpgsql

Compare software version in postgres

How to find if a function exists in PostgreSQL?

function postgresql plpgsql

PostgreSQL functions returning void

Passing a record as function argument PL/pgSQL

Passing column names dynamically for a record variable in PostgreSQL

plpgsql error "RETURN NEXT cannot have a parameter in function with OUT parameters" in table-returning function

Define table and column names as arguments in a plpgsql function?

Elegant way of handling PostgreSQL exceptions?

How can I send some http request from postgresql function or trigger

PostgreSQL parameterized Order By / Limit in table function

How to check if a row exists in a PostgreSQL stored procedure?

PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL random value from array of values

Disable DELETE on table in PostgreSQL?