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New posts in plpgsql

Postgresql JDBC Table Valued Parameters

Analysing/Profiling queries on PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL obtain and release LOCK inside stored function

sql postgresql plpgsql

Postgres function with list argument and in clause

COPY with dynamic file name

PL/pgSQL SELECT into an array

IF function in PostgreSQL as in MySQL

SELECT or PERFORM in a PL/pgSQL function

Calling a function that returns a refcursor

What does "LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100" mean in functions

postgresql triggers plpgsql

Execute deferred trigger only once per row in PostgreSQL

Getting name of the current function inside of the function with plpgsql

pseudo_encrypt() function in plpgsql that takes bigint

sql postgresql plpgsql

PostgreSQL function or stored procedure that outputs multiple columns?

How to set value of composite variable field using dynamic SQL

Return SETOF rows from PostgreSQL function

Union of two arrays in PostgreSQL without unnesting

Incrementing a number in a loop in plpgsql

How to md5 all columns regardless of type

sql postgresql md5 plpgsql

PostgreSQL function definition in SQuirreL: unterminated dollar-quoted string