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the use of quote_ident() in a plpgsql function

I am just new in creating plpgsql function.I need some clarifications regarding the use of quote_ident() (and even quote_literal()) on dynamic commands being executed inside the function. Hope that anybody could give me a specific explanation on how they worked inside a function. TIA

Here's an example of it:

EXECUTE 'UPDATE tbl SET ' || quote_ident(colname) || ' = ' || quote_literal(newvalue) || ' WHERE key = ' || quote_literal(keyvalue);
like image 373
john igneel Avatar asked Jul 21 '15 03:07

john igneel

People also ask

What is Quote_ident?

quote_ident ( text ) → text. Returns the given string suitably quoted to be used as an identifier in an SQL statement string. Quotes are added only if necessary (i.e., if the string contains non-identifier characters or would be case-folded). Embedded quotes are properly doubled.

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plpgsql is the name of the language that the function is implemented in. Here, we use this option for PostgreSQL, it Can be SQL, C, internal, or the name of a user-defined procedural language. For backward compatibility, the name can be enclosed by single quotes.

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1 Answers

quote_ident is used for identifiers quoting. quote_literal is used for string quoting.

postgres=# select quote_ident('tablename');
│ quote_ident │
│ tablename   │
(1 row)

postgres=# select quote_ident('special name');
│  quote_ident   │
│ "special name" │
(1 row)

postgres=# select quote_literal(e'some text with special char"\'"');
│           quote_literal           │
│ 'some text with special char"''"' │
(1 row)

What is identifier? Names of tables, columns, schemas, sequences, ... What is literal? - usually some text value (but can be a value of any type). Both function search and replace some special chars, but with different rules - identifiers and strings are different in SQL.

Now - these functions are little bit obsolete. quote_literal should be replaced by clause USING (better performance), quote_ident should be replaced by formatting function format (due better readability):

EXECUTE format('UPDATE tbl SET %I=$1 WHERE key=$2', colname) 
  USING newvalue, keyvalue;

or only with format function

EXECUTE format('UPDATE tbls SET %I=%L WHERE key=%L', colname, newvalue, keyvalue);

Without quoting your dynamic SQL a) should not work (fails on syntax error), b) be unsafe against sql injection.

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Pavel Stehule Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Pavel Stehule