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SQL Server 2012 Windowing function to calculate a running total

I need some help with windowing functions.

I have been playing around with sql 2012 windowing functions recently. I know that you can calculate the sum within a window and the running total within a window. But i was wondering; is it possible to calculate the previous running total i.e. the running total not including the current row ? I assume you would need to use the ROW or RANGE argument and I know there is a CURRENT ROW option but I would need a CURRENT ROW - I which is invalid syntax. My knowledge of the ROW and RANGE arguments is limited so any help would be gratefully received.

I know that there are many solutions to this problem, but I am looking to understand the ROW, RANGE arguments and I assume the problem can be cracked with these. I have included one possible way to calculate the previous running total but I wonder if there is a better way.

USE AdventureWorks2012

SELECT s.SalesOrderID
    , s.SalesOrderDetailID
    , s.OrderQty
    , SUM(s.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY  SalesOrderID) AS RunningTotal
    , SUM(s.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY  SalesOrderID 
                         ORDER BY SalesOrderDetailID) - s.OrderQty AS PreviousRunningTotal
    -- Sudo code - I know this does not work
    --, SUM(s.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY  SalesOrderID 
    --                   ORDER BY SalesOrderDetailID
    --                   ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING 
    --                                   AND CURRENT ROW - 1) 
    -- AS  SudoCodePreviousRunningTotal
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail s
WHERE SalesOrderID IN (43670, 43669, 43667, 43663)
ORDER BY s.SalesOrderID
    , s.SalesOrderDetailID 
    , s.OrderQty

Thanks in advance

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Steve Avatar asked May 24 '13 12:05


People also ask

How do you calculate running total in SQL query?

To calculate the running total, we use the SUM() aggregate function and put the column registered_users as the argument; we want to obtain the cumulative sum of users from this column. The next step is to use the OVER clause. In our example, this clause has one argument: ORDER BY registration_date .

How do I create a running total in SQL Server 2012?

Prior to SQL Server 2012, you have to manually define the window/subset in which you want to calculate you running total, normally we would define a row number with a window on a specific order or a customer depending on the requirements at hand.

How do you calculate cumulative sum running total in SQL Server?

In this SQL Server example, we'll use the SUM Function and OVER to find the Running Total. Select in SQL Server Management Studio: Example 3: In this SQL Server example, we will use PARTITION BY with OVER to find the Running Total.

1 Answers

You could subtract the current row's value:

                      ORDER BY SalesOrderDetailID) - s.OrderQty

Or according to the syntax at MSDN and ypercube's answer:

<window frame preceding> ::= 
  | <unsigned_value_specification> PRECEDING


                      ORDER BY SalesOrderDetailID
like image 114
Andomar Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10
