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How to drop user in postgres if it has depending objects

sql postgresql plpgsql

Inserting a COALESCE(NULL,default)

sql postgresql plpgsql

Using prepared statement in stored function

PostgreSQL throwing error on RAISE NOTICE with || operator

postgresql plpgsql

Can a Postgres Commit Exist in Procedure that has an Exception Block?

How to make PostgreSQL insert a row into a table when deleted from another table?

postgresql triggers plpgsql

SQL Functions cannot return type trigger

PostgreSQL: Rolling back a transaction within a plpgsql function?

Why is IS NOT NULL false when checking a row type?

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Using temp table in PL/pgSQL procedure for cleaning tables

PHP array to postgres array

php arrays postgresql plpgsql

How to find the first and last occurrences of a specific character inside a string in PostgreSQL

postgresql plpgsql

How do I enable the PostgreSQL function profiler?

Favorite unit-testing approach for Postgresql functions?

PLPGSQL array indexing start at 1?

arrays postgresql plpgsql

Could not access file "$libdir/plpgsql": No such file or directory

Query has no destination for result data after trigger

EXECUTE of SELECT ... INTO is not implemented

GROUP BY and aggregate sequential numeric values

PostgreSQL - Writing dynamic sql in stored procedure that returns a result set