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pickle/joblib AttributeError: module '__main__' has no attribute 'thing' in pytest

Python: Using `copyreg` to define reducers for types that already have reducers

python function pickle

Store large dictionary to file in Python

Why does Apache PySpark top() fail when the RDD contains a user defined class?

TypeError from Django Cache

Where should I define namedtuple classes in Python - which namespace?

python pickle namedtuple

how to save GridSearchCV xgboost model?

compatibility between CPython and IronPython cPickle

python ironpython pickle

Which is the better way to pass data into Python Unittest Redirected STDIN or Pickle?

Python pickle got acycle recursion with getattr?

python pickle getattr

Saving scikit-learn classifier causes memory error

Is there a way to pickle a scipy.interpolate.Rbf() object?

python scipy pickle

Adding extra fields to an existing namedtuple object and unpickling

How to check which detail of a complex object cannot be pickled