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How can I use PHPDoc to type-hint the parameters of a Callable?

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How to deprecate PHP's magic property in PHPDoc?

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PHPDoc: Documenting a function with a variable number of arguments

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How do I put blocks of PHP code into a PHPDoc DocBlock

PHPStorm: correct PHPDoc for a Collection of Objects?

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How to document class properties in PHP 5 with phpDocumentor

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What is the correct way to display a multi-line @param using PHPDoc?

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PHPDoc optional parameter

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Sublime Text 2 Comment/Doc Block

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Can you hint an array's items type? [duplicate]

annotating a local variable in php

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Correct syntax for inheritDoc in phpDocumentor

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Best practices: Use of @throws in php-doc, and how it could be handle

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Best way to document (phpdoc) generators (methods that yield)

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Should I use @return self, this or the current class? [closed]

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Best way to document Array options in PHPDoc?

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PHPDoc: @return void necessary?

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What is the correct way to write PHPDocs for constants?

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Variable type hinting in Netbeans (PHP)

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PHP Function Comments