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New posts in phonegap-build

Issues with build.phonegap write to file

Phonegap detect if the phone is active

PhoneGap: modify config.xml to add properties to Info.plist ion iOS

Is it possible to build Cordova App online?

Cordova Hide Status Bar

phonegap Error uploading app :Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5

Doubts on Phonegap.js, Phonegap Build and Intel XDK

How to install .xap phonegap build in windows phone 8?

PhoneGap missing plist.key

Images not showing in PhoneGap Build application

Using camera on Phonegap app with only HTML input, without Camera API

How to install chromecast in Phonegap build

Cordova Phonegap local notifications not working

Phonegap (online build) app - no internet connection and network status

Phonegap images not showing

Cordova hooks order

PhoneGap 2.5.0, how to open external URL for iPad/iPhone?

cordova phonegap-build

Phonegap build - Open external page in InAppBrowser or childbrowser with no toolbar and close it?

Firebase Push notifications with PhoneGap Build using cordova-plugin-fcm