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New posts in pg-dump

2 versions of pg_dump on my OSX Lion

Unable to restore psql database from pg_dump with a different username

Is it possible to import one database from pg_dumpall

postgresql pg-dump

pg_dump & pg_restore password using python module subprocess

pg_dump without setting search_path

postgresql pg-dump

Dumping a DB without pg_dump

postgresql pg-dump

Copying postgresql local to remote database (both with password) - ERROR: option "locale" not recognized

heroku pgbackups:restore: Invalid dump format

Can pg_dump be instructed to create tables with "IF NOT EXISTS"?

sql postgresql pg-dump

Restoring the data from pg_dump doesn't overwrite the data but it appends the data to the original database

Problems with $libdir on PostgreSQL

postgresql postgis pg-dump

Postgres: Best way to move data from public schema of one DB to new schema of another DB

Set sslmode=allow with pg_dump

postgresql ssl pg-dump

"permission denied" for pg_dump output file

Use pg_restore to restore from a newer version of PostgreSQL

Comparing two postgres dump files

postgresql pg-dump

pg_dump --exclude-table pattern matching

regex postgresql pg-dump