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Creating a recursive LPeg pattern

lua peg lpeg

BNF grammar definition for file path wildcard (glob)

glob bnf peg ometa

Parsing boolean expression without left hand recursion

parsing grammar peg pegjs

Need help to understand LPeg and PEGs

lua peg lpeg

Implementing "cut" in a recursive descent parser

Using PEG Parser for BBCode Parsing: pegjs or ... what?

Error message on match fail in Rebol Parse

Who is faster: PEG or GLR?

pypeg2 - can this expression be parsed using peg grammar?

python regex parsing grammar peg

How do I parse this with peg grammar?

parsing peg pegjs

PEG.js - how to parse c-style comments?

parsing comments peg

Parse indentation level with PEG.js

javascript parsing syntax peg

How does backtracking work in peg.js (with example)?

node.js grammar peg pegjs

PEG and whitespace/comments

parser-generator peg

How do you build a left-associative operator tree using PEG.js?

CFG / PEG used for Code completion?

Why is Parsimonious rejecting my input with an IncompleteParseError?

Join is not a function

javascript peg pegjs

Limitations of PEG grammar & parser generators? [closed]

Generate TextMate language grammar from PEG.js grammar