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New posts in passport-local

Nuxt auth with passportjs?

passport login authentication without password field

node.js passport-local

Session is not correctly obtained from a storage, using express-session and passportjs

Get token on the client-side for passport-local authentication

Passport local temporary password (change on first login)

How to use session variable req.user in passport-twitter strategy

Express Passport.js Success redirect doesn't load page, request keeps pending

ValidationError: User validation failed at MongooseError.ValidationError

req.session.passport and req.user empty, serializeUser and deserializeUser are never called

passport.initialize() middleware not in use for express 4.10 for custom callback

MongoDB slow initial connection

Express: req.flash() requires sessions

TypeError: req.logIn is not a function - Passport JS

how to send json as a response after passport authenticationin node.js

How to use passport-local with graphql

How to show custom error messages using passport and express

Passport authentication not working in sails.js application

passport.authenticate successRedirect condition

Manually call passport for authentication

node.js passport-local