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New posts in paintcomponent

Using paintComponent() to draw rectangle in JFrame

how can i put a JButton on an image?

Message Boxes wont' stop appearing

Where should I put the game loop in the swing app?

Anti-aliased JLabel

JLabel: After overriding paintComponent(). How to make setText() render the text String?

How to make star shape in Java?

Threads with Key Bindings

AffineTransform seeming to ignore component bounds

How do I rotate a graphics object, without changing it's location?

Repaint() method calling in another class

Java Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException [duplicate]

Circular Progress Bar for Java Swing not working

What do I need to do to replicate this component with gradient paint?

How can i create a complex Button shape?

Bufferunderflowexception Java

How to make the background gradient of a JPanel

.gif image doesn't moves on adding it to the JTabbed pane

repaint() in Java doesn't "re-paint" immediately?

Clicking on a drawn object