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How to get Email address from the principal in ASP.net?

Async Web Api Controller - How to handle cancellations?

c# asp.net-web-api owin

NancyFx not reaching module using Owin Hosting

nancy owin

Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth, Version=

MVC 5 Redirect to Login Page Not Working with OWIN

c# asp.net-mvc-5 owin

Use External Access Token or Local Access Token

ASP.NET OWIN WebForms require authorization all pages

Signalr assembly loading issue OWIN

SignalR causing major issues on upgrade

c# .net signalr owin

client_id is always null in ValidateClientAuthentication

Wrapping StaticFileMiddleware to redirect 404 errors

asp.net angularjs owin

Authorization_code grant flow on Owin.Security.OAuth: returns invalid_grant

Redirect user after authentication with OpenIdConnect in ASP.Net MVC

WebApi OAuth UseOAuthBearerAuthentication gives "Sequence contains more than one element" error

ASP.NET Web API 2: Login with external provider via native mobile (iOS) app

With SerilogWeb.Owin discontinued, is there an "official" integration?