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Semantic Web - Store app data directly in RDF or store in SQL and export/import later

Needed a dummy month to be displayed - Oracle SQL

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Oracle SQL group by single field and count the grouped rows

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Oracle cartesian product vs. join

Query which will give a list of dates between two date ranges

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How to join multiple select statements in SQL

What happens to dependent triggers when the table is dropped?

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How to connect to a remote Oracle database

Generating Random String in PL/SQL(oracle 9i) with restricted Letters

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How to replace/remove multiple words from string in single statement

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Oracle SQL: selecting date field without day (Only Month and Year)

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Synchronisation of PL/SQL procedure. How to guaranty execution of procedure only one at time? [duplicate]

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Is there a SQL select qualifier to perform a Skip() and Take()

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Trying to install oracle on Scientific Linux release 6.2

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Transaction Performance Impact of Materialized View Logs

How to populate data into a nested table in Oracle when the nested table is within a record type

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How to chain calls in a pl/sql object type of functions returning SELF

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Can a trigger be locked; how would one determine that it is?

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Appending '0' after decimal in Oracle

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Creating tables with circular reference