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New posts in oracle12c

ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol : Oracle 12c Upgrade

Are nested parentheses in the FROM clause valid Oracle SQL syntax?

oracle oracle11g oracle12c

Returning the value of identity column after insertion in Oracle

Select where cumulative sum is less than a number (in order of priority)

How to use %ROWTYPE when inserting into Oracle table with identity column?

How to get the number of elements in a JSON array stored as CLOB with Oracle 12c?

json oracle oracle12c

Google OAuth 2.0 Server to Server: Bad request

Subselect in Oracle 12c with bad performance

oracle oracle11g oracle12c

Not getting ORA-25156 "old style outer join (+) cannot be used with ANSI join" when I should be

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Optimizer uses wrong index

oracle oracle12c

Oracle 12c extended to support varchar2 > 4000 bytes doesn't work for user who is not sysdba

oracle oracle12c

Oracle top-n query sort performance

Unable to put a WITH FUNCTION clause in a BEGIN/END block

Oracle 12c documentation for changes / new features to SQL

sql oracle oracle11g oracle12c

Concerns about Guidelines for Creating Entity Relationship Models

How to use temporal validity in Oracle 12c?

sql oracle oracle11g oracle12c

Driver update to ojdbc7.jar gives error for oracle/security/pki/OraclePKIProvider

java oracle12c