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Create PowerPoint 2007 presentation from a template

DocumentFormat.OpenXml Adding an Image to a word doc

c# asp.net openxml openxml-sdk

What's the best way to generate Microsoft OOXML (docx) from a rails app? [duplicate]

Insert image from byte array into OpenXML CustomXmlBlock

Generating PDF from OpenXml

pdf-generation openxml

OPEN XML add custom not visible data to paragraph/table

ms-word openxml openxml-sdk

Show Reviewing Pane in Word Client by default

How to split table to new PowerPoint slide when content flows off current slide using Open XML SDK 2.0

How can I export a DBGrid to OOXML format (Excel 2007/2010 format) without Excel installed?

Extract table from DOCX

c# openxml docx

How to define data type?

c# .net openxml openxml-sdk

How does Excel show decimal values correctly although no information is stored in the worksheet.xml and styles.xml about the precision of the decimal?

excel openxml openxml-sdk

OpenXML - PowerPoint - Picture Scale Height & Width

c# powerpoint openxml

Open XML Excel. Can't open Print dialog after creating file. File has frozen rows

c# openxml

how to calculate the rotation value for the MS Office Powerpoint Shapes from the xml data given


Will Subversion efficiently store OpenXML Office documents?

How to insert a date to an Open XML worksheet?

c# excel openxml openxml-sdk

Interop.Word Documents.Open is null

Add HTML String to OpenXML (*.docx) Document

c# openxml openxml-sdk