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Derive & Destroy Encapsulation, or Violate DRY?

Referring to an javascript object proprty (using this) while creating it

javascript oop

Can I define/constrain a member as implementing two interfaces, without generics?

OOP, private functions inside a top level method of the namespace

Best practice for generating events? [closed]

Override operators for an existing class

c++ oop

which is better practice big one method or separated methods?

php oop codeigniter

Does it violate encapsulation for interface property accessors to be public?

Hiding implementational detail from parent classes

c# oop

Can abstract class be override in derived class without implementing in base class

c# oop inheritance

Difference between $this->a and $this->$b in PHP

php oop

Printing variables

ruby oop

include methods from external php file in a class

php oop

What does the new() constraint do on a class definition?

Dynamically creating classes with eval in python

python oop metaprogramming

Static Method as Function Pointer

c++ c oop

why can a class implement multiple interfaces?

Are all immutable objects re-usable?

Why declare a copy of a private field as `final`

java oop final

Compiler optimization or my misunderstanding