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Simulated OLAP

oracle olap cubes

Does spring-boot support any dynamic OLAP report generation tool?

Any scalable OLAP database (web app scale)?

Python: interact with complex data warehouse

In memory OLAP engine in Java [closed]

java olap

OLAP - Calculate run-off triangles, sample data and cube included (PostgreSQL/Mondrian)

Is a star schema a denormalized schema?

schema olap star-schema oltp

Database warehouse design: fact tables and dimension tables

How does NUMA architecture affect the performance of ActivePivot?

java olap numa activepivot

MDX Calculated Member CrossJoin question

olap mdx cubes

Why use ROLAP instead of plain MySQL?

mysql olap mondrian rolap olap4j

What is the best approach to get from relational OLTP database to OLAP cube?

database ssis ssas olap

What should I have in mind when building OLAP solution from scratch?

R clients to OLAP MDX servers

r mdx olap mondrian xmla

Browsing OLAP cubes [closed]

What options do I have for creating OLAP cubes with Postgres and making it accessible via .net webservices/wcf? [closed]

OLAP Cube deployment issues

sql connection ssas olap cube

Why are SQL aggregate functions so much slower than Python and Java (or Poor Man's OLAP)

Connect to Azure analysis services from python