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Changed behaviour of java.sql.Date after OJBC client upgrade

java sql oracle date ojdbc

What does Connection.isValid(time) actually do to check if connection if valid?

java sql database jdbc ojdbc

Oracle JDBC charset and 4000 char limit

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Missing artifact com.oracle:ojdbc14:jar:

java eclipse oracle maven ojdbc

sealing violation: package oracle.net.ns is sealed

java oracle jdbc oracle11g ojdbc

Oracle OCI and Thin drivers are missing in SQuirreL SQL

Declaring multiple identical service in tnsnames.ora supported by oracle thin driver

java oracle jdbc ojdbc

Unable to get db connection after Java 8 upgrade

java hibernate jdbc ojdbc

How to set custom connection properties on DataSource in Spring Boot 1.3.x with default Tomcat connection pool

SQLException: Protocol Violation in oracle

java oracle jdbc oracle11g ojdbc

Oracle ojdbc8 Forbidden by Maven

java oracle maven ojdbc

Missing artifact com.oracle:ojdbc7 in eclipse

java eclipse oracle maven ojdbc

What is the difference between ojdbc6.jar and ojdbc7.jar?

java ojdbc jdk1.7

Displaying the hex value of a string from a oracle varchar2?

How to use Oracle JDBC driver in Gradle project

jdbc gradle build.gradle ojdbc

Missing artifact com.oracle:ojdbc6:jar:11.2.0 in pom.xml