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New posts in ojdbc

Should javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator.allocationSize() be consistent with INCREMENT BY?

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Glassfish admin console's java.lang.RuntimeException

Why doesn't OJDBC 7 map the CHAR data type to a Java String?

java oracle11g ojdbc

SQL execution time much slower in a Tomcat Servlet than in a normal Java program

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Hibernate saves stale data with hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data

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Oracle Clob Reader issue: Protocol violation

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SQLSyntaxErrorException when using LIKE with ojdbc7.jar

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jdbc prepared statement with oracle NUMBER type

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ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol : Oracle 12c Upgrade

Issue with ojdbc jar in Maven [duplicate]

java maven spring-boot ojdbc

How to access Excel as Database using Java 8

java excel ojdbc

Oracle JDBC Types Mapped to Java Object Types by getObject() - wrong document?

java oracle jdbc ojdbc

Timestamp literal in Oracle SQL Developer

Why does JDBC adjust the time to default timezone when it is saving a date?

java date jdbc timezone ojdbc

Is there a way to extract primary key(or ROWID) using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and GeneratedKeyHolder?

java spring ojdbc

Unable to log in to web app after upgrading from Jav 6 to Java 8 when oraclepki, osdt_cert, and osdt_core are on the classpath

java spring-security ojdbc

Supported JDBC, JDK versions for Oracle 11g

jdbc oracle11g ojdbc