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New posts in observer-pattern

magento $order->getAllItems() return twice the same item

Observable/Observer not working?

Tracking field changes with rails observers

Should I add support for PropertyChangeSupport and PropertyChangeListener in a Java bean for a web application?

Why are signals and slots better than plain old callbacks?

Clojure Model-View-Controller (MVC) design

Should I store my Rails 3 observers in the app/models directory?

In Rails, a Sweeper isn't getting called in a Model-only setup

RSpec sends emails (not storing in ActionMailer::Base.deliveries) - dont know why?

Add elements after creation of rx Observable

observer pattern vs MVC [closed]

Magento recalculate cart total in observer

Observer pattern implemented in C# with delegates?

Rxjs Subject next() after complete()

Observer Pattern vs Mediator Pattern

Correct (and best) collection type for listeners in Java

Implementing signals (Observer pattern): is mutable or const_cast necessary?

How can I Observe the contents of an 'a' tag - jquery

When to use NSNotificationCenter

The Observer Pattern - further considerations and generalised C++ implementation