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Add elements after creation of rx Observable

How can I implement scenario when I want to add elements after creation of the Observable, can it be done at all? In the Observer pattern I would just fire event or so. Do you have some ideas?

import rx.lang.scala._

val target  = Observable(1,2,3,4)

val subscription1 = target subscribe(println(_))
val subscription2 = target subscribe(println(_))

def addToObservable(toAdd: Int, target: Observable[Int]): Observable[Int] = {

addToObservable(4, target) //should print 4 on all subscriptions
addToObservable(6, target) //should print 6 on all subscriptions
like image 981
Eddie Jamsession Avatar asked Nov 26 '13 23:11

Eddie Jamsession

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1 Answers

You can't - not to the observable you created. What you need is a Subject, using which you can emit values. Subject is basically both an Observable and an Observer.

For example:

import rx.lang.scala._
import rx.lang.scala.subjects._

val subject = ReplaySubject[Int]()             
val initial = Observable(1,2,3,4)     
val target = initial ++ subject   // concat the observables

val subscription1 = target subscribe(println(_))
val subscription2 = target subscribe(println(_))

subject.onNext(4)    // emit '4'
subject.onNext(6)    // emit '6'   
like image 66
PeterParameter Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10
