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Better option for strongly-typed containers in javascript

What's the difference between JavaScript Array and Object except .length property?

javascript arrays object

LINQ Join on top 1

linq join object

What does the classid in an <object> tag do?

flash object tags embed

Compare with size_t, return int?

c++ object vector int size-t

JS Object navigation-- when to use object.sub and object["sub"]?

javascript syntax object

AS3 - Change the Boolean(object) behaviour

Assigning results of a for loop to an empty matrix

r object loops

Understanding self in Objective-C

JavaScript closure and the this object

Sorting an Array List of Objects based on a variable in object

java sorting object arraylist

SSIS Script Task Get File Names and Store to an SSIS Object Variable

c# variables object ssis

importing without executing the class - python

What are best ways to consolidate instance variables (to pass data from controller to the view) in Rails?

PHP Objects - Patterns and correct usage

Learning to programming JavaScript, but I'm stuck

javascript arrays object

What is a good way to memoize data across many instances of a class in Ruby?

How can you tell if an object is a folder on AWS S3

Sorting a JSON object in Javascript

javascript json sorting object

How to vue watch a specific property in an array of objects

object vue.js watch