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New posts in numbers

How can I simplify my "equation" to switch between 3 and 5?

c math numbers integer modulus

Print all unique integer partitions given an integer as input

How to randomly generate decreasing numbers in Python?

Regex to match Number of 1-3 Digits After a Known String in Ruby

ruby regex string numbers

Can 12.1 be represented exactly as a floating point number?

Passing in number, Number.prototype.format

What is the best way to deal with floating point errors?

PHP - Improve random number sequence generation

php random numbers

Generate random number in range [M....N] with mean X

SQL Server numbers rounding issue

SQLite language independent query of numbers

android string sqlite numbers

Rearranging numbers in a string

Number to String - How to turn 150 into "One Hundred and Fifty"

string algorithm numbers

Can anyone perhaps teach me how to further optimize this 'print up to the nth prime number' script? [closed]

Make big and small numbers human-readable [duplicate]

Convert A to 1 B to 2 ... Z to 26 and then AA to 27 AB to 28 (column indexes to column references in Excel)

c# numbers