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New posts in number-formatting

Format a number with X decimal places and InvariantCulture?

c# number-formatting

Easy way to add thousand separator to numbers in Python pandas DataFrame

MVC3 edit for decimal fields and localization

Format a number to display a comma when larger than a thousand

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1,167.40" [duplicate]

How to print a double value that is just less than another double value?

c++ number-formatting

How do I align the decimal point when displaying doubles and floats

HighChart Shared Tooltip Number Formatting

How would you write a wrapper function or class to format numbers as percent, currency, etc. in R?

r number-formatting

Trying to format number to 2 decimal places jQuery [duplicate]

PHP number_format is rounding?

PHP, Format Number to have always have 2 decimal places

php number-formatting

Set the currency symbol when writing with xlsxwriter

How can I add a comma to separate each group of three digits in a text input field?

how can I remove zeros from exponent notation

Formatting a column with EPPLUS Excel Library

format number with 3 trailing decimal places, a decimal thousands separator, and commas after that

Java FRANCE/FRENCH Locale thousands separator looks like space but not actually

How to format the input of EditText when typing with thousands separators (,) in Android?

Display amount in format $###,###,###.## using f:convertNumber

jsf number-formatting