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how to use -NoDefaultExcludes when creating a nuget package

nuget travis-ci

Deploy Orchard.Source to Azure via GIT

NuGet packages.config in VCS or not?

.net version-control nuget

Anycpu nuget package the requires either 32 bit or 64 bit package

When running the NuGet pack command I get the error: 'AutoMapper' already has a dependency defined for 'NETStandard.Library'

How do I disable restoring NuGet packages while starting the solution

visual-studio nuget

DLL hell - Could not load file or assembly System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions

Enter\Exit the PowerShell mode in the Package Manager Console window

nuget package-managers

Where is jQuery UI combined package downloaded when insatlled using nuget

Visual Studio - Nuget - Unable to load the service index for source

Cannot add or update NuGet packages, receiving NuGet V2 feed error

NuGet does not unpack assemblies from package

"unknown keyword platform" when restoring in Visual Studio

VSTS: ##[error]No value was found for the provided environment variable

Including Unmanaged DLL in NuGet Package Using csproj

.net-core nuget

Packing Project with NuGet in Mono Returns Not Implemented Error

.net mono nuget

Setting file properties with NuGet using .targets file

Nuget package restore error in Docker Compose build

what is the best way to find out if a nuget package is compatible with .net core without nuget.org?

Unable to update NuGet package "Microsoft ASP.NET MVC" from version 4.0.20710.0 to 5.1.2