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New posts in nswindow

get size of nswindow

cocoa size nswindow

Centering Windows on screen

CAAnimationGroup with different interface elements

Creating a custom title bar on a standard NSWindow

How to detect active appearance for NSView or for its parent NSWindow?

how to get window with semi-transparent blurred background

macos cocoa calayer nswindow

Prevent activating the application when clicking on NSWindow/NSView

What does “initial position” do in Xcode's nib editor?

NSPopover to start in a detached state

Cocoa NSWindow with 2 toolbars

cocoa toolbar nswindow

Overriding "Edited" in window title for NSDocument

Move window by dragging background (movableByWindowBackground)

macos cocoa nswindow

How to find out whether any part of an NSWindow is currently visible (not just ordered in)

How to create a transparent window with non-rectangular buttons?

objective-c cocoa nswindow

NSWindow beginSheet completionHandler not called

Open New Window in Swift

Programmatically closing an NSWindow when it loses focus

cocoa macos nswindow

HOWTO: Is NSWindow In FullScreen Mode (Lion) AND Enabling/Disabling?

Fade in/Fade out for MAAttachedWindow

How to show a NSPanel as a sheet